Research Paper Dissection - Forecasting Cyber Threats
This post is based on the research paper written by:
Zaid Almahmoud, Paul D. Yoo, Ernesto Damiani, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Chan Yeob Yeun
What makes this paper topical in a Snode Technologies context:
- It talks about using real-time data to preempt cyber attacks.
- It argues on human biases and inaccuracy in expert analysis.
If you haven't already, check out our solution for AI-based Attack Simulation:
I cover this problem in detail - however, our solution looks at short-term predictions for proactive incident response. This paper does touch on the fact that this is a valuable application but instead focuses on long-term prediction. The paper notes that long-term prediction, often overlooked by researchers, is key to a proactive defence strategy.
I agree. Also, I would love to know how it differs from the vendor predictions for 2025.
In this post we will cover the following:
- Most notable - concepts;
- Most notable - findings; &
- All important - so what?
Key concepts
Protection Motivation Theory (PMT)
I love it when psychology and cyber collide! PMT is a term mostly used in psychology and is often used in other domains. However, it has not been used in the cyber domain extensively. PMT assesses threats using their associated severity and vulnerability.
Additionally, it assesses coping (mitigation) strategies. The paper defines and trends tactical security (compensating) controls as Pertinent Alleviation Technologies (PATs).
Bayesian variation of MTGNN (B-MTGNN)
Simply put, it's a combination of Multivariate Time-series Graph Neural Network (MTGNN) with Bayesian (my Swiss Army knife). At a high-level, it takes historical trend analysis with current (real-time) observations and does a prediction (as shown below).
If you find it easier to read the source (code) and unpack the raw data (files):
Note the similarities to the approach we used at Snode Technologies:
Additionally, note the similar Machine Learning approach used in our patent:
Expert (a.k.a vendor) vs. AI (data-driven) predictions
So, straight to the point. Is there a difference? Yes. For example (taken from the paper), the escalation (trend) for malware and ransomware is high - but, the PATs associated with mitigation trend with a lower priority. Keep in mind - this is not an opinion - but, a data-driven finding. Let's look at a few examples that were noted:
- Malware is peaking - but, FIM (file integrity monitoring) is low priority; and
- Ransomware is increasing - but, AW (application whitelisting) is low priority.
There is a clear disparity between potential attacks and relevant security measures.
Call Bayes,... and do beta
I'm a firm believer in the Bayesian approach, except if it's the name of a boat. The research supports this view. The performance of the Bayesian variation of MTGNN was found to be better. It's robust even with uncertain data and was more reliable.
So, what?
Firstly, we should supplement (potentially biased and inaccurate) human judgement with quantitative (data-driven) analysis for a more effective cyber defence strategy.
Secondly, consider using (automated, AI-based) long-term prediction to drive your cyber defence strategies, policies, standards and technology architecture evolution.
Finally, we should be aware of our own biases to novel techniques (shiny new things) and not neglect the old, trusted and true methods which are still efficient and effective.
If you would like more information on AI-based cyber defence technologies contact: Snode Technologies.